Yearly Campaign pack! 400 campaign or variations!
Single Keyword Ad Groups (SKAG) Campaign
SKAG is a unique method to improve the performance of your Google Ads based on a relevancy score. It is the process of 1 campaign having multiple ad groups and each ad group only containing 1 KW set and 1 ad. The Group, Ad, and KW would all match. This technique is used to increase Ad Relevance and in return lowering CPC. Usually creates a 20 to 40% Increase in the Relevance score.
Example of SKAG: If you had 1000 KW. You will get 1 Campaign, 1000 Ad Groups, and 1 ad per group (1000ads).
Multiple Keyword Ad Groups(MKAG) Campaign
MKAG is the traditional-proven way to create, manage, and monitor Google Ads. It’s a campaign structure with multiple KW and multiple ads all under 1 ad group. This method is considered the normal way of creating campaigns but generally returns a lower relevance score..
Example of MKAG: If you had 1000 KW. You will get 1 Campaign, 1 Ad Group, and 1000 ads for that group.
Ads Consist of
2 Static and 1 Dynamic Header derived from the KW
1 Alt Header for Kewords that are too long
2 Long Descriptions
4 Excel Sheets. (Campaing, AdGroup, Ads, Keywords)